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Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Royal Tern...

Jillsy has me in a bird frenzy.

But I am liking it...I'm taking a break from the Wedding chaos bliss that's happening all around me.

(If you'd like to link up, just click on the cute TWEET icon on my side bar.)

After many trips to Florida I finally spotted these cute little birds.
Truthfully I've never heard of them before but I like to pretend I'm bird savvy.

"Oh look...I've just spotted a Royal Tern!!"
"Oh my!! You are sooo lucky!"

The beach was full of them. Royal Terns everywhere!!

I love birds.
Poor TeacherGirl isn't very fond of birds.
I realize this is one of the many things that really could be blamed on me.

Yes I made her watch this movie. More than once. A few times.
I told her it would get better if she kept watching it.
It's a classic. Who doesn't like The Birds? (besides TeacherGirl).

So open your eyes!
Look for your feathered friends!
They're hoping to be discovered and end up on this blog hop!

And time choose a subject I don't like.
I'm spending way too much time here.


  1. I love these cool guys! I've never seen any on my trips top Florida. Maybe they're snobby and only stay on the southern end of Florida's west coast!

    I'm glad you're enjoying the challenge. Now show us a Chicago portrait! :-) (but keep Cooper indoors!)

  2. haha...hilarious (love the sides pics on the terror of it all;)- that's me;))

    Nice captures- yes, very lucky to have captured these:)
