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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Welcome...The First Official In-Law Party...Part 1

1894, "anyone of a relationship not natural," abstracted from father-in-law,  etc.
"The position of the 'in-laws' is often not very apt to promote happiness." ["Blackwood's Magazine," 1894]

You've got to be kidding...Thankfully things have changed...

I've been trying to plan an "in-law" party...a simple cookout involving my children and their current in-laws, and "in-laws to be".

Nothing fancy, no dress code, just laughter.

It looks like It's going to happen soon... and I should be planning this party instead of blogging.
But here I am, just itching to write about the scary, more often joyful, experiences of having in-laws.

Let's just start by showing you a little picture, these are my in-laws...

No, we didn't hire any "extras" to fill the room...I'm sure the photographer had been hoping for some impending divorces when he was given the numbers, that would have made his job much easier. 

But no, here we all are last Thanksgiving Day, every single one of us.
This is the immediate family. {Actually a handful of new members have joined since then} Everyone here belongs here, there are no Thanksgiving crashers....and there's more coming soon.

Yes, you heard me correctly...there will be more.

Here's kiddies...some cousins....and a sister-in-law... 
(Hi Clare!)

And here's Grandma, surrounded by some grandchildren and some great-grandchildren...and I'm certain these numbers will's just a matter of time.

And all this happened because these two had eight children...

I wonder if they were thinking about this during their wedding buffet in 1949...?

Having this many family members isn't always easy. A sit-down dinner requires not only a large space, but numerous chairs, a humongous table, lots of patience, and great organizational skills.
It was easier when the kiddies were still kiddies... small tykes may be loud and messy, but they take up very little room.

Jerry, Colleen, Patrick, and Connor

As everyone grew finding space became more challenging, but we managed to celebrate quite comfortably.

Many events have been shared together, and although we still come together as a group, we are now branching off into our own family units. 

We've all learned well though. Grandma Betty could make a salad stretch, and make a family feel full on what may look like very little. We've also learned that stocking up on folding chairs is a must, dishes don't have to be matchy-matchy, and collecting large amounts of silverware will make you very happy one day.

The torch has been passed and I'm now enjoying the greatest stage of my life thus far...I get to plan the parties. 

{The New In-laws}

A whole new group of inlaws are forming through the marriages of my children. I'm already a mother-in-law, and I'm about to inherit another daughter-in-law, and a son-in-law. These new members are joining us, and their families are becoming dear friends. It sounds daunting, but we love the idea of extending our family. We've grown fond of big.

I'm hoping this party will be the first of many. I'm declaring it a tradition. 
I don't think my family will reach epic proportions, but I'm hoping we'll all create our own memories throughout the matter what number we reach in population.

Thanks to so many talented bloggers, I'm getting lots of creative inspiration!
So far...

I'll be making Darby's Corn Salad recipe.
Making a few Vintage Buntings. 
And making These and possibly This!!

I'll also be praying for clear skies, dry pavements, and happy faces.
Wish me luck.

“Adam was the luckiest man in the world. He had no mother-in-law.”

-Mark Twain


  1. Are you actually having them all over? Our families are just as huge but we can never get everyone to come to one party. I love that your family makes the point to all be there. That is precious.

  2. WOW, you do belong to one super-duper sized family! Good luck with the barbecue, but most of all, have fun!

  3. I'll try...the margarita machine I'm renting will help!
