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Monday, May 17, 2010

A Haircut and a Few Laughs...

Jerry and Carolyn stopped by to wish me a belated Mother's Day. They were in Disney World last week. I can't speak for Carolyn, but Lawyer-Boy is one big kid!! I'm guessing they'd be spending their honeymoon there if it was up to him. We had a bite to eat and a little conversation...and a haircut for my little boy man.

The only hair I cut nowadays seems to be Big Daddy's but I'm willing to pull out my shears when someone looks like a shaggy dog...{and has a job that calls for at least a little bit of grooming!}

We had a nice afternoon outside...we discussed their upcoming wedding, summer plans, and Molly's inability to keep a straight face when she sees me with my camera...

I received a great gift...something I'll still be able to use here considering the weather...and I'll never turn down anything Mickey!

And... I want to go to Disney World.

Have a wonderful week.

1 comment:

  1. i found your blog thru rue's and i got to say, i enjoy it!! :)
    going to add you to my faves.
