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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dishing It!!!

Please join me and start  Dishing It With Amanda!
Amanda is throwing a's a great way to meet other bloggers. All you have to do is answer the following questions {like I did}...Here goes...

~How long have you been blogging?
Since December 2009... four whole months!

~Why did you start blogging?
I had been reading some blogs and decided I'd like to give it a whirl...then I became addicted to my whirling. I can't stop. I'm dizzy.

~Tell me about your blog's title. Why did you choose it?
My nest is children are either married, engaged, or finishing college...none of them live at home. I applaud their independence...and yet I miss the chaos...but certainly not the laundry.

~What do you blog about?
My adult children, my dogs {don't say it!}, home decor {or lack thereof}, and daughters told me to focus on one thing...I told them to go home.

~What is your favorite thing about blogging?
The quiet time. I blog alone, usually at night, with the dogs at my feet. Before I started blogging I rarely sat down, now there's a chair with my butt print on it....I like that.

~If you had to choose one famous person to become your blog's next devoted reader, who would you pick?
My late brother. He was a writer and he told me to write now I write everyday, and I'd love for him to know. {He wasn't famous but famous people are too busy to read my little blog}.

~What's the funniest comment you've ever received on a blog post?
Someone told me they were my #1 fan....I immediately thought of Kathy Bates in Misery!


Now it's your turn!
Hurry, it's time to Link Up...

Click Here


  1. Hi Mary! I'm glad I found your blog from Amanda's party. Your "about me" says you have a daughter who's a sophomore at Notre Dame, I graduated from there in 2004! GO IRISH!

  2. Popping over from the Dishing It party! I love that your told your daughters to go home! *lol* I like a good multi-tasking blog!

  3. Hi, ME! This was a funny post..."butt print" made me laugh. ;) Good for you for blogging about what you love. You'd probably get bored if you limited yourself to one topic. That's how I feel, anyways. ;) Thanks so much for linking up with me at the party. I hope you're having fun "mingling." ;)

  4. I AM THE # 1 fan :) :) :) Thanx for the shout out MERN haha :)
    -LOVE your #1 fan
