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Monday, March 29, 2010

An Angel gets her wings...

I was more than a little upset when my first glance out the window was this...

I've had this angel for many years and she's always been a comforting sight. The wind last night was rather  strong, so I'm not going to blame this on the pesky squirrels ...I'll just blame Mother Nature.
Luckily I have a resident handyman who was able to pull out some power tools and remedy the situation quickly...

I also hung a new flag today. The Chicago winters are tough on even the nylon flags, so a replacement in the Spring is a must. It may be cloudy and dreary out here, but Old Glory always looks good flapping in the breeze...rain or shine..


  1. Things don't last long outside here in Wisconsin either. It's too cold.

  2. I usually put all my garden stuff away for the winter months! I love angels and I especially love yours! Glad you were able to fix it!
