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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

He's here........

...and his name is Charlie!

...and yes I have three dogs!!

It's been a little crazy here the last couple of months.
But having my eight grands close to me certainly makes life happy!
And thats all I really need : )
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                                    (these three are not mine...they're just here for their good looks)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, what a cute little dog! You are a lucky lady having 3 dogs. We have our Gracie who just turned 5 and love her to pieces. Have had dogs in my life since I've been married almost 39 years ago! They really add something special to our life.
    You are so lucky to have all your grands close by....I have 2 but they are many miles away. Skype and face time just don't cut it LOL
    Congrats on your new addition
    Have a great (I'm sure) busy weekend
