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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

One Word Wednesday

The balance of a friend fighting cancer.

The balance of taking care of others while taking care of yourself.

The balance of fresh faith and a dose of anger.

I'm linking up and joining Jillsy
for One Word Wednesday
This week's word is balance.

And please say a prayer for my dear friend, Lisa
She's the finest example of balance that I've ever known.


  1. Me ~ those are two wonderful examples of balance that are not necessarily easy to accomplish. Here's to wishing Lisa days of worry-free health and good friendships to help her get there!

  2. I'm not sure I could manage that kind of balance. Sending prayer and good wishes to Lisa. She's lucky to have you!

  3. Prayers and good thoughts for your dear friend, Lisa. I remember trying to balance optimism and fear while John was undergoing chemo and a transplant. The optimism was on my face and I kept the fear for when he couldn't see me. Today life is good and cancer-free. I hope for the same for your friend.

  4. Thank you ladies...and I know Lisa will read these lovely comments too.

  5. Oh the balance of a cool lake breeze and warm sunshine. I'm guessing that's Lake Michigan.

    all the best to you and Lisa.

  6. Balance - yes a vord to think about - thank you for giving me the idea.

  7. Some good examples-they certainly help me put my life in perspective. Thank you for sharing that.

  8. Wow, what a beautiful capture of the concept of Balance. My Hope for Lisa is as vast as the lake she's gracing with her presence in your amazing photograph. May she always feel so loved and supported when she needs it most ...

  9. Happy New Year. Love the picture. (and I love the picture of that adorable Yorkie staring at me on the right...) Great post!

  10. That's not Lake Michigan's the gorgeous Gulf Coast!...notice the seashells!
