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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My boys...


It's hard to believe that these two comedians actually found women to marry them. I'm not really surprised, I'm just finding it hard to believe that they're old enough to start their own families.

I'm surprised that I'm old enough.



  1. I love the title of your blog. Only after my husband (their father) died, two of my babies moved back home. So no more empty nest. It is fun (sometimes) to have the house noisy again. Oh when will they leave??? LOL

    I like your snowy mosaic in the previous post.

    PS: My name is Mary Elizabeth too. But I have been called MaryBeth since the day I was born. MB

  2. Oh yes - time flies - they are parents themselves before we have had time to blink.

  3. I'm not surprised at all! Those are some mighty handsome boys you've got there!

    BTW: Your Ozzie looks exactly like our Cooper. :)

  4. What handsome sons! Time just speeds by, does't it. I have one that will graduate from college in a few months.

  5. Hi again, Mary Elizabeth! I've had some catching up to do around here, your photography is really incredible - have you taken classes or learned on your own?! The post titled "just blink" made me tear up, as does this one ... believe me, i'm holding on to every precious minute i can!!

  6. Sloan,

    I believe a good camera can make anyone a photographer! I've just started dabbling last year. I don't even know how to use half of my settings!!

  7. thanks, ME, you've done so well all on your own - wow!! I got myself a great camera as well as a really nice lens for Christmas last year - it's a Canon, the lens is a fixed 50 mm with a very fast speed (which took the angel photos you saw) - that lens is the key to my success, but I'm itching for something more - like a zoom ... what is the setup that YOU use? I'm especially curious about your recent wintry bird photos - and the one with the pie crust on Th'giving ... love those!!

  8. Uh oh!!! Michael is in this blog post ha.

    -LOVE your # 1 fan
