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Monday, December 6, 2010

First Snow...Mosaic Monday

The first snow swept in on Friday evening.
It didn't seem to faze the birds...but their appetites seemed to increase.
I took these pictures from inside my back porch, wearing my pajamas 
and wrapped in a quilt. 
{The very best way to take photographs!}

Please join Mary 
at her Little Red House
for more mosaics!


  1. Maybe this year we'll get some of the white stuff, too!

  2. Beautiful scenes from your porch! I just love the first big snow! Very pretty shots!

  3. Fabulous pictures and wrapped in a quilt would be the best way to take a photo:)

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog. I tried to comment on the photo with the birds but couldn't, there's no link to click.

  5. Beautiful mosaic! And yes...there is no better way to take pictures:)
    Thanks for coming by my blog....pleased to meet you!

  6. I agree about quilts and picture taking especially out of doors or standing on cold porches. The birds look very eager to get to those feeders.

  7. these are gorgeous winter photos - a perfect picture postcard - just beautiful. Thankyou for sharing a little bit of your world. And wishing you a blessed Christmas in the company of those you love.

  8. Beautiful! I love the black and white look of the images, each with a splash of colour.

  9. Such beautiful photos! Looking forward to our first snowfall arriving.
