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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mosaic Monday...Bird Party!!

I had a Chinese food craving yesterday.
And on my way home from Shanghai Palace (my crab rangoons were safely nestled on the passenger seat), 
I spotted all these feathered friends, hanging out on the lake.

I snapped away and wondered what was going on.
Then I had my answer.

They were golf enthusiasts.

Join Mary at Little Red House 
and join Mosaic Monday!


  1. Great Mosaic with a PunchLine Foto! Have a wonderful week!

  2. Ha! Your story makes total sense to me. Yep, golf enthusiasts, for sure! :)

  3. Too funny! Wonderful images! Love the birds ... sort of like a faculty meeting! :D :D :D

  4. That did make me laugh - and I needed it on a very wet grey day here.

  5. Cute golf gallery...I'm glad you had your camera with you!
    Wish I was out golfing!!!

    This is my first visit to your blog...I'm going to go get a fresh cuppa tea & poke around a bit. :D

    Thanks for sharing the neat photos.

  6. What a fun mosaic! I'm still giggling.
    ~ Sarah

  7. I love it! What a great laugh I had. :) Kit

  8. ooh, i missed the party. Looks like it was fun! :-)
