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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Learning to Fly!

Last month this little baby spent hours perched on my garden chair.
After snapping a few pictures I noticed he was looking up at his Mama!
She was perched on the roof trying to coax him into flying, and keeping a safe distance away.
He wanted no part of it!
I spent the better part of my day watching 
(and whispering encouraging "bird words"...please don't ask)

 Eventually he realized there was a great big world out there, and he spread his wings...a little hesitant at first...and off he flew.
I'm sure it wasn't my inspirational words, but I felt much better knowing he was doing what he was meant to do.


It's not just the birds who leave the nest!

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  1. Cute shots, it looks like a baby robin? Wonderful mosaic! have a great week! :)

  2. Cute shots, it looks like a baby robin? Wonderful mosaic! have a great week! :)

  3. Sweet little baby. I love hearing the encouraging chirps from the mother when they're learning to take the leap of faith. :-)

  4. Sweet little baby. I love hearing the encouraging chirps from the mother when they're learning to take the leap of faith. :-)

  5. Wonderful post. Mother Nature sure does things right! I love watching the baby birds and their parent watching over them. So much fun!

  6. No, I'll not ask, but I do think it's wonderful that you joined in with the mothering. He actually looks pretty nonchalant as if to say, "Who me? Not know how to fly? Pah!"

  7. Great shots of the baby Robin, they all leave the nest, as Nature intended. Wonderful mosaic.

  8. Baby birds are so adorable. We just had a couple of baby doves fledge from the ledge outside our bathroom window.

  9. This is such a sweet post! I love to watch the baby birds and seeing the first flights is a thrill. Happy MM!

  10. How cute, lovely mosaic. I am hosting a CSN Giveaway and would love for you to stop by.

  11. Good morning, Mary Elizabeth, what a sweet little baby robin. They are some of my favorite babies in the bird world. (who am I kidding, I love them all)

    I love your mosaic. Wonderful shots. I would be whispering words of encouragement as well. It's the Mommy in us, I think.

    I hope you have a lovely Monday,

  12. This is lovely! Love the photo of his back with all the white tips on his feathers.

    Nicely done!


  13. Omigosh what wonderful images! They are so beautiful at all ages, but there is something particularly appealing when they are young. thanks so much for sharing at MM. :)

  14. Ah, fledglings - what a poignant time for bird mama....every mama.
    We have nine wee ducklings in the pond. They are all good swimmers now - balls of fluff skimming across the water - but mama duck is fiercely protective and they spend a good part of the day tucked under her wings.
    Great mosaic!
