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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Just a Thank You...plain and simple.

T is for...Thanks...

Five months have past since I recklessly, and without reason decided to create a blog. My very first post was created when Molly came home for Christmas break and I took a picture of her in front of the house with THIS 

I remember I panicked upon realizing I'd have to continue to find interesting topics in order to save face. I'm not good under pressure. My life had become rather quiet, boring, and mundane {love that word}. My kids were grown... house was quiet, and I read a lot.
I counted everyday as a blessing, but my blessings weren't exactly newsworthy.
Life was good, but not really interesting enough to share with those outside my circle.

How often could I put up an inflatable snowmen on my lawn to anger the neighbors? {sorry neighbor-readers!!}
Could I really carry a camera with me in order to document things I found interesting?...
More importantly...would anyone actually find me interesting?

And would all my posts revolve around these two....??

{That worry proved somewhat true. I have blogged quite a bit about my dogs...they even have their own label...sorry.}

Carrying my camera around has been awkward at times, but I've gotten through worse ...and I even found a new strap HERE...thank you very much!

But most importantly, other than my family {who are obligated to love me and therefore support me}, some readers have actually noticed me.
Their compliments are certainly blessings. 

I've gotten to know new people and I've learned a few new things. I've spent less time on the phone because friends and family read my blog to keep least I'm hoping that's why my phone's stopped ringing?!

So I write this with gratitude, and a trace of uncertainty. I still haven't mastered the art of blogging, but I'm trying...and enjoying my attempts.
I will continue to hang here...

Thank you for reading...
Thank you for commenting...
And thank you for letting me into this world I had no idea existed...
I'm beginning to wonder what else is out there at the end of my sidewalk...

“ It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

-JRR Tolkien

This is my first try at  Alphabet Thursday!
I'm saying a little prayer that I'm not "doing it wrong"!!...I'm not always  at the top of the class!!

Jenny Matlock


  1. Hi Mary - I feel the same way about blogging. I never knew this world even existed. My niece started a blog more to keep the family informed of her day to day happenings since she lives in Texas. I love blogging and have met such nice people!

  2. so glad you are enjoying blogging :D

  3. I love blogging too. I am so glad you enjoy it.

  4. It is amazing how many cool people you can meet by just putting a few thoughts out there every week...

    Thanks for a thought provoking treat of a post...

  5. Class, please welcome Mary Elizabeth!


    So nice to see you on Alphabe-Thursday and what a perfect letter for you to start with!

    Blogging does help fill up that empty nest...ummm....emptiness. I'm still figuring out how to deal with that somedays myself.

    It looks like you have a great blog. Your writing style is so easy to follow and it is very enjoyable.

    Love all the clean black in your decorating. I always wonder if that is where we go after the chaos of children. I tend to do my house in a similar way.

    I hope to see you again on this meme. I also do a little Saturday link that you might enjoy, Saturday Centus. It is a writing prompt meme, short, quick, and you have an entire week to do it!

    Keep writing. And thank you for sharing.

    This was terrific.


  6. Welcome to Thursdays! You did a great job. So nice to meet a fellow traveler on this insecure road. Breathe. It's all just fine.

  7. Welcome to class. I bet Mrs. Matlock will pick you to be line leader. :) Happy blogging!

  8. I am glad you joined in.....blogging is really fun and you meet friends from all over...I have been blogging for over three years now...I remember when I first started, sometimes I thought I was talking to just myself......nice to meet you!

  9. You are welcome! :-) I'm sure it will get a bit more comfortable as you go along.
