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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sweet Shot Tuesday!! Maggie and Bryan!

{Maggie and her Daddy!}

This past December my "Teacher-Girl" Maggie became engaged to her college love, Bryan.
This was a surprise for her, and I'm told the day went somewhat like this...

Maggie wanted to stay in her 'jammies because she'd been sick the last few days {being a new teacher is rough on the immune system!}.
Bryan insisted they go out, and drive around their alma mater, DePaul University...

Upon reaching the campus he insisted she exit the vehicle...HA! I can only imagine the look of horror that crossed my daughter's face! I'm guessing she had thoughts about ruining her shoes.

I picture him pulling her out of the warm car {this is December in Chicago} and dragging her to his designated engagement spot!

I think she was glad she got out of the car...

We were all waiting at Maggianos for them to arrive...

We had a wonderful time, and Teacher-Girl did not complain once about having to exit that warm car!!

She had no idea we would all be waiting for her. I give Bryan loads of credit for being able to plan and execute this surprise. Maggie is her mother's daughter, and we usually smell a plot way before it happens. You're a keeper Bryan!!

Maggie is joining a wonderful family...
Here's Bryan's Dad and younger brother, Keith...

Maggie and her MIL-to-be, Cindy...

Bryan's little brother Scott...

And I couldn't resist a picture of Maggie with her sister and sister-in-laws!!

Paige {Bryan's little sister}, Margaret, Maggie, Molly, and Carolyn!!

We're on our way to planning the wedding!

Link up here to post your "Sweet Shot" and Enjoy!!

Sweet Shot Day


  1. Oh how neat!! Great shots of something so special. Congrats to the new bride to be and to you too mom!!

  2. gosh...that first shot is a tear jerker!

  3. I just knew there had to be a great story behind that shot. Congratulations to your daughter and family!
