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Monday, March 1, 2010

Chemo Thursdays....

Lisa had her initial chemo treatment last week...all went rather routinely, {although chemo is far from routine}. I told her I'd leave her a little surprise every Thursday...She enjoyed last week's surprise and although the gifts are small in retail value, they're big in "heart value"...
But now I'm thinking of things I'd really like to send her...and if I could rob a bank afford it I would get her...hmmm...
How about...??...

1. A Butler...she can call him Jeeves {or Mr. Belvedeere, or Mr. French}.....she would ring a bell {sterling silver, of course}...and he will quietly appear...She may have to ask him to ditch the hat...he can bring her fresh orange juice, chocolate, or a magazine...whatever she craves. He is the man for the job.

2. A Maid {not to be confused with the butler}...she can dust all the knick-knacks, change the linens daily, and not only do all the laundry but fold it with military precision...
...she needs to ditch the high heels though...we don't need a lawsuit when she trips...I'd like to call her Laverne...but Lisa has the final decision....Hazel?

3. A Cook....he will follow strict nutritional guidelines...serve only fresh, vitamin rich veggies, lean protein, and the occasional milkshake that Lisa requests...he also knows to zip it keep quiet if she wants a cheeseburger ...I'd like to call him Bob.

4. Frette long as the maid is changing the sheets (and ironing them), I think expensive, soft-as-butter sheets are a necessity...she can pick the color... white is always tastefully classic......or purple is good.

5. A Beach House...looking at the ocean definitely has healing I found her a house with lots of  windows...and the maid can keep those windows sparkling! I'm not too crazy about having the neighbors so close, but hey...she'll get used to it. I'll bring the binoculars when I visit.

6. An Infinity Pool...I'm not sure if there's room for this pool at the Beach House, but we'll make it work...

7. Chocolate...only the best...and the prettiest...

8. Comfy Socks...cashmere of course! All colors are a must....

9. A Mountain cannot have too many houses! This can be used when Lisa feels like she needs a change of scenery. She can leave the beach house and enjoy some rustic charm...if the snow keeps falling she can return to her Beach House...

10. A Chauffeur...who really wants to drive if they don't have to? Now Lisa can sit in the back seat and text without endangering other drivers (Oprah will be so proud)...and that Mercedes comes with the package also... {what's with these hats!?}

11. An Assortment of Cashmere Robes...monogrammed so no one can borrow them...

12. A Proper Home for Palmer... he's a good dog...and he can have play dates with Ozzie and Cooper.

13. Nate Berkus ...he's avoiding my emails so I may have to kidnap send him more messages. Lisa is creative, but let's face it...she ain't Nate...we need him to pull it all together, the beach house, the house in the mountains....hey, that dog house is not going to decorate itself...I know Oprah has him on speed dial, but c'mon O, we'd like a little piece of him too...


 Sorry Lisa, I can't give you #1-13 {damn economy}...well I could manage #8 {socks} or even #7 {chocolates} for #13 {Nate}, I probably could pull it off but it will eventually involve some prison time, and you know how much you'd miss me...So I'll only promise you #14...

14. My Infinite Devotion...don't worry, not devotion that involves stalking...I'll simply be here for you...I'll sit with you, take you places { you can close your eyes while I drive}...I'll cook, bake, steal walk Palmer, and bring you a little surprise EVERY Thursday {notice the word little}....So buck up and learn to ASK when there's something else I can do...please don't make me guess everything...or you'll end up with a Yorkie puppy and flamin' hot cheetoes... mmmmm ;) 


  1. Awww, what a sweet friend! You know you've got a good one when they're willing to risk prison time! ;) I could really go for a cashmere robe and my own personal Jeeves. Speaking of Jeeves, I really need to read some p.g.wodehouse - it's been far too long!

  2. the best friend in the world (something she obviously already has)!
