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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Yes..I am NEW!!

Readers Beware....I am so very new at this, and I am also dealing with a Mac I would like to apologize profusely in advance. Blogging is a new adventure to me and I think it may take me awhile to figure this out. As you may have guessed from the title of my blog...I am not young anymore. I will not use age as an excuse for my lack of blogging wait, I think I will pull out the "age card". So tomorrow I will purchase "Blogging for Dummies", and hopefully I will blog as good as I cook. Yes, I cook good.


  1. I don't need to talk to you everday now. I just read and catch up on your blog. You are doing a great job. I really am enjoying it.

    Love Lisa

  2. haha! this could sound like me! We had just gotten a MAC not too long prior to me starting my blog! And computer savvy I was NOT! So it took and still actually takes me a bit to post...thus my once a week posts for now! And I didnt even know what a blog was until our older daughter showed us hers :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    so fun reading more about ya!
