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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cuimhnigh i gconai...

..."Always Remember"

St. Patrick's Day always felt like the beginning of Spring for me.
The weather was still frigid, but if you closed your eyes you could feel a change in the air.

My mother is Italian and my father was Irish and Scottish.
As a child I spent 364 days out of the year being raised Italian, and one day celebrating all that was Irish.

My father and I ate corned beef while my mother shook her head and complained about the smell.
My father had a twinkle in his eye every March 17th and I was honored to share the day with him.

I miss him.
But I know he's watching...I can feel the twinkle.

An Irish Blessing...

"Bless you and yours

As well as the cottage you live in.

May the roof overhead be well thatched

And those inside be well matched."



  1. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I'm sure it's that Irish blood that drew your son to the bagpipes!

  2. Ditto Barbara's comment!

  3. You two are such good bloggy friends!!
