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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Root Beer Floats...

...who needs Chardonnay? 

Molly's home for Fall Break.

She loves Cooper, but Ozzie has always been her favorite.
Ozzie is very laid back, quiet, and serious. He's a lot like the MollDoll.

(except for the spooky eyes)

It was a pretty good day.
And diet root beer isn't all that bad.


  1. Yumm ~ I haven't had one of those in ages! Moll looks like you!

  2. Not even sure what root beer is, but love those spooky eyes!

  3. well...there are 2 cuties in that picture...

    happy to see you at farmhouse

    kary and teddy

  4. Fall break? How wonderful, our schools out west don't have such a thing. Though my youngest, Sarah, come home for the weekend. Haven't seen much of her as her friends are taking priority so far. Maybe I could entice her to hang with me with a root beer float?!?! I love those and haven't had one in a long, long time.

    Have a great time with your daughter!

  5. I'd like a rootbeer float!!! I haven't had one in FOREVER!!!
    -LOVE your #1 fan

  6. I love chardonnay, but that float is looking good! But I know the best part was having her home.
