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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Way too much time in the kitchen...

I decided to make Giada DeLaurentiis" Classic Lasagna today. I've been making her lasagna for many years now and I haven't found one I like better. It's time consuming, but if you make the sauces the day before, things go much faster. Although my mother is Italian, she rarely made lasagna....perhaps she once had a lasagna mishap?? I should ask her...I'm guessing my father thought it was too "fancy". My Dad liked mashed potatoes, meatloaf, paper napkins, and jello. My mother must have been terribly disappointed when she realized her husband and children would never touch squid on Christmas eve.

Here's a link to Giada's lasagna...LASAGNA

I'm guessing Giada doesn't eat very much lasagna...or maybe she just has great metabolism?

I made a pan for Lisa and her family, and a pathetic little serving for my empty nest...

Lasagna clean up isn't very pretty, and I just can't resist showing you what a messy, unorganized cook I am...

Tomorrow we'll be going out for a proper Irish meal...I'll be thinking of you Dad!!

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